Case Law

3.2.1.  Military  Costin et al vs. Joe Biden and Lloyd Austin.  Military members sue POTUS Biden and SECDEF Austin over vax mandate.  Current status:  Pending. Doe v. Rumsfeld. In 2003, military members sued SecDef, SecHHS, and FDA commissioner after being instructed to submit to anthrax vaccination without their consent. Current Status: Resolved. It was ordered that in the absence of a presidential waiver, defendants are enjoined from inoculating service members without their consent. John Doe 1-14 and Jane Doe 1-2 vs Austin et al (Civil Action No. 3:21-cv-01211-TKW-HTC). Defending the Republic files suit against DoD for ‘vaccine’ mandate on 10/6/21. Current Status: Pending Robert et al vs. Austin, Becerra and Woodcock (Civil Action No. 1:21-cv-002228). Soldier and Marine sue to block military’s COVID-19 vax mandate. Current Status: Pending Navy Seals, et al vs. Biden (Civil Action Case 8:21-cv-2429). TRO filed 1 Feb 22. Judge’s Order on TRO. Current Status: Pending Navy Seals, et al vs. Biden, Austin, DoD, and Del Torro (Civil Action Case 4:21-cv-01236-P). Court’s ORDER ON PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION allowing Navy Seals to deny the Covid-19 vaccine as part of their God-given rights and Constitutionally-protected liberties.

3.2.2.  Civilian  America’s Frontline Doctors, et al., vs Xavier Becerra, Secretary of US Dept of Health and Human Services.  America’s Frontline Doctors filed a motion in Alabama Federal District Court seeking immediate injunctive relief to stop the use of EUA COVID-19 vaccines for those younger than 18, those who have acquired natural immunity, and those who have not received informed consent – 7/19/21.  Current status:  Pending  USA vs Ozaukee County, WIIn 2018, the DOJ sued a Wisconsin county for firing a woman who refused to take the flu vaccine on account of her religion – 3/6/18.  Current statusSettled – Plaintiff awarded $18k in compensatory damages – 4/30/19


Executive Orders

